Hello and welcome! I’m Jennifer, and I’m so glad you found me. I’m thrilled to have you here as I embark on this new writing adventure—sharing my experiences, insights, and stories from life on the water, whether that be the rivers or the oceans of the world.

For as long as I can remember, cruising has been more than just my career—it’s been my way of life. I first stepped onto a ship in 2008 as a dancer in the onboard production shows, that feels like another world these days. From the moment I stepped onboard I was hooked, I set my sights on bagging a role as an Entertainment Host. At the time I never could have imagined that I would work my way up to Cruise Director, taking guests on once in a lifetime grand voyages around the world and, eventually, to my current role as a Programme Director sailing the rivers of Europe on a premium river cruise ship with Viking. I have a dream job that I am ever grateful for.
Over the years, I’ve planned, implemented and hosted thousands of excursions, performances, and unforgettable experiences for guests from all over the world. I’ve seen the magic that travel can bring, the behind-the-scenes chaos that makes it all happen, and the small moments that turn a good voyage into an extraordinary one.
Despite all this experience, it never really occurred to me to write about it—beyond the occasional social media post. But lately, I’ve realized that the knowledge I’ve gathered could be valuable, whether you’re someone who dreams of working in the cruise industry, are a seasoned traveller, or just someone who enjoys a good behind-the-scenes story.
I’d like to make this blog a very honest mix of insider tips, travel tales and look at life behind the scenes of a cruise operation. I’ll share everything from how we plan the perfect excursion to the most bizarre situations I've found myself in and what it’s really like to live and work onboard for months at a time.
So whether you’re here because you love travel, are curious about the industry or just enjoy a good read – I’m happy to have you along for the journey.
Stay tuned for plenty of insights, tips and tricks and maybe even a few surprises. Welcome aboard!